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Stop--Stay Home--If Experiencing These Symptoms

Thank You For Keeping Everyone Healthy

by Katrina Benyshek

Please STAY HOME if you are ill or experiencing any of the following symptoms:


►Fever of 100◦ F or higher

►Muscle or Body Aches




►Cough or sore throat with any other symptom listed above

►Vomiting or Diarrhea

►Diagnosis of influenza within the last 5-7 days


Recommendations from KDHE concerning persons who are symptomatic with influenza-like illness (temperature of 100 degrees or greater, a cough and/or a sore throat without a known cause other than influenza) and have either a positive test for influenza or been treated with antiviral medication used to treat influenza.

To control the spread of influenza the following isolation requirement should be followed:

  • For each person with the above symptoms or a diagnosed case of influenza shall remain in home isolation for five days following onset of illness or until fever free for 24 hours without the aid of fever reducing medications, whichever is longer, except when seeking medical care.

We ask that parents please follow these requirements to keep our students healthy.


Recomendaciones de KDHE relativas a las personas que son sintomáticas con una enfermedad similar a la gripe (temperatura de 100 grados o más, tos y/o dolor de garganta sin una causa conocida distinta de la gripe) y tienen una prueba positiva de gripe o han sido recetados medicamentos antivirales utilizados para tratar la gripe.

Para controlar la propagación de la gripe se debe seguir el siguiente requisito de aislamiento:

  • Por cada persona con los síntomas anteriores o un caso diagnosticado de gripe deberán permanecer en aislamiento doméstico durante cinco días después del inicio de la enfermedad o hasta que la fiebre esté libre durante 24 horas sin la ayuda de medicamentos que reduzcan la fiebre, lo que sea más largo, excepto cuando se busque atención médica.

Pedimos a los padres que por favor sigan estos requisitos para mantener a nuestros estudiantes sanos.


Read the following article to learn about the common myths about the flu: 5 Persisting Myths about Flue and the Flu Vaccine


Thank you for keeping our students and community healthy!

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