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Ulysses USD 214

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Follow Ulysses Public Schools on Twitter;


Dear Parents, Community Members, and Friends,

Our district is connected!

Please follow us on Twitter as we use this social media tool as a district to share, connect, and collaborate with the world around us. We will use our Twitter and Facebook accounts @UlyPubSchl to share snippets of our districts work, districts learning initiatives, and district school news etc.  

Our goal will be to tweet several days a week, but don't hold us to that. We will put out pertinent information and events at our schools and the exciting goings-on in our schools.

Students’ safety is of utmost concern. Images of students may be included, but we will ensure the safety for ALL our students. Twitter is a tool for learning therefore we can ALL learn from this endeavor.

Finally, if you do not have a Twitter account, and need assistance on creating one, please come by and ask the Tech Department. We would be more than willing to help you create a Twitter account so you can start following us. Keep in mind we will not follow you back because it is our policy that we only follow other classrooms or educational Twitter feeds. Use of these social media tools will give you a glimpse into our district and schools and your child’s learning in a new and exciting format.

“Tweet”fully yours,

Dennis Gonzales, USD 214 Technology Director

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